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"This is for Harriet, Sojourner, Ida, Fannie and the countless other trailblazers."


The Story of Us.

When Black women walk, things change.  When Harriet Tubman walked, things changed. When the women in the Montgomery Bus Boycotts walked, things changed.  And when we walk, things will change!  Morgan and Vanessa are two friends who were inspired by women in their history who walked to make a way out of no way.  They started walking to heal themselves.  They started organizing other women to do the same.  Black women are facing a health crisis of epic proportions - over 80% are overweight and 50% morbidly obese.  We are dying younger and at higher rates than any other group of women in the country from preventable diseases like diabetes and heart disease.  We are rallying an army of beautiful and healthy black women to take to the streets and fight for our health.  Today, over 20,000 women across the country walk and organize with GirlTrek.  We walk to heal our bodies, inspire our girls and reclaim the streets of our communities.  We trek to live.






Women in Montgomerey walked to boycott segregated buses and demand equality.

Harriet Tubman walked her way to freedom & rescued others.

Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker organized thousands of new voters to walk to the polls.

Women took to the streets with the Black Panther party to demand power and respect.

GirlTrek mobilizes thousands to walk for healthy bodies, families and communities.

Following in the footsteps of a Civil Rights Legacy.

Our Creed: We are sick. We are down, but we are not out. Not by a long shot. We believe in the power of Black women to heal ourselves. We believe that we have everything we need to turn this health crisis upside down. We believe that the way forward is with inspiring everyday women to stand a health leaders in their communities and role models for their daughters. We believe in practical steps forward - in walking, in sweating out our perms, in finding time every single day to do something good for ourselves. 

Our Mission: GirlTrek is a groundbreaking 3-year-old national nonprofit based in Washington, D.C that inspires and supports African American women and girls to live their healthiest, most fulfilled lives - simply by walking. Through grassroots organizing and award-winning social media campaigns, GirlTrek supports over 20,000 walkers, 300 volunteers and inspires an ever-growing network of 175,000 supporters. GirlTrek's health movement relies on inspirational stories, street organizers, active role models, authentic partnerships, smart advocacy and a whole lot of hustle! In five years, GirlTrek aims to mobilize one million supporters to lead a "walking revolution for better health" in high-need communities across America

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