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Welcome to GirlTrek. This is where your health journey begins. We’ve thought about ALL of the ways to make exercise fun and get results. Each month, we issue exciting walking challenges to help you get off the couch!  Together, we work up a sweat, wear cute gear and visit beautiful places – all while dropping the pounds and filling our lives with joy.  We build friendships along the way.  You’ll never be the same. You’re worth the commitment.  GirlTrek has already paid off for thousands of sisters. We will be 1 million strong by 2018. Don’t think we can do it?  Watch us work.


The Reward.  Each summer, we reward our hard work by venturing off to some of the most beautiful places on the plannet - together and as solo trekkers!  We have plenty of ideas and colorful photos on our website to spark your imagination. But first things first, sign up for GirlTrek. get your "superhero blue" shirt and prepare to go on your first Saturday morning Trek!




February and March

Organize and bring others to the movement!
Get out your clipboard and hit the streets of your neighborhood - the goal, tell as many people about GirlTrek as you can.  Where?  Black History Month events, PTA meetings, campus events, sorority meeting - even the grocery store.  Don't let the movement stop with you. Spread the word.  The goal?  Each woman will sign up 10 friends or neighbors before the end of March!  Watch your inbox for special kickoff events!  Each year we start the season off big with parties, rallies and high profile walking events!



Spring Training Begins
Join us for our season kickoff celebration on April 1st. 

Take GirlTrek's 30-day walking challenge and earn a pair of golden shoelaces by setting off on a fun walking scavenger hunt, GirlTrek-style!  You can do it alone or with your crew!


Note to returning trekkers:  Go hard in April!  We challenge you to earn "#Harriet Status" by doing THREE Ultimate Trek or 100 miles per month in a row - April, May AND June!  Can you do it? 



Endurance Training:  Mother's Day Challenge
We celebrate the strength and endurance of our mothers by going the distance in the month of May. Can you walk 52.4 miles in 30 days?  Yes! Become a Distance Trekker! Dedicate your month to a woman in your life.



The 100-Miler - The Ultimate Trek!
Make your game plan now.  We're doing 100 miles in one month - The Ultimate Trek!  How will you get those miles in?  Long weekend hikes, exploring the far corners of your city on foot, the treadmill grind! Only the top trekkers in the country join this exclusive club and earn an "Ultimate Trek Finisher" T-shirt.  You can't buy it.  You have to earn it!  SAVE THE DATE! We also celebrate Juneteenth each year with family treks in the park!




July and August

Summer Trek Series

Oh the places we will go!!! Roll call! We sport our superhero blue and hot new trek bodies all across the globe! You've worked hard for it.  Every summer we venture out to beautiful national parks to experience hiking with breath-taking views.  Join GirlTrek in one of our locations or plan a trip to a park near you!  Registration for the Summer Treks open on April 15th.  We encourage you to plan your own summer trek now!  Reward yourself with a trek on the beach, a half marathon or a walking tour of your dream city or go hard like Nicole from LA and trek up Kilimanjaro! 





Service Month
At GirlTrek, we use the fall months to give back to our communities!  In September we challenge all trekkers to do "Mentoring on the Trail" by walking 20 miles with a girl in their life.  We host a "Campus Walk-Off" for charity, a high-energy walking challenge on HBCU college campuses for local charities.



Prayer Trek
Help to cover this health movement in prayer.  We call all sisters - from all faiths - to participate in a 9-day prayer trek to cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)  Church teams compete for a national participation trophy.



Gratitude Trek

Before the new year, before the resolutions, before we focus on what needs to be changed or improved, we will take time to honor our bodies and give thanks for all of our blessings, through daily walks of gratitude.





December and January

Off-Season (Rejuvenate)

Rest, relax, enjoy your friends and family during the holidays.  Follow our golden rule during the winter: maintain, don't gain!  The GirlTrek Team will be re-energizing and gearing up for next year!




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